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Closing the Bones Ceremony

What is it?

In all other cultures (except western), there is an acknowledgement of the mother being vulnerable after childbirth and there is integrated care within the community to support her health and wellbeing. It is recognised that the health of the baby is dependent on the health of the mother. In Latin America, the Cerrada, which translates as ‘closing the bones ceremony’ is a traditional ceremony and part of the package of postpartum care mothers receive at this time. It involves being rocked, massaged and wrapped in a ‘rebozo’ (a hand woven shawl).


The Cerrada came to South America via the Spaniards, but has been traced back to the Arabic culture. It is also practiced in other countries, such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Russia and Morocco. However, aspects of this ceremony are found in many countries around the world.


I was taught the closing the bones ceremony by Sophie Messenger, who learnt from an Ecuadorian midwife and ethnobotanist, Rocio Alarcon. She has worked closely with an osteopath, Teddy Brookes to validate its effects on the body.


Closing the bones ceremony

What to expect

This ceremony usually takes place in the comfort of your own home on a mat on the floor (though it can be in my therapy space). The room is warm, dimly lit and has soothing music playing, to create a nurturing and sacred space. We start with a herbal infusion and guided meditation to help you to connect with your journey through pregnancy, birth and the arrival of your baby as well as to find your intention for the ceremony. I begin with gently rocking or ‘sifting’ parts of your body (especially your hips) with the rebozo shawl. Using warm oil, I massage your belly, chest and hips (your bra can be kept on if preferred). I then wrap each part of your body in turn, starting from your head and ending with your feet. Whilst you are wrapped in the 7 rebozo shawls, I drum, recite/give a blessing and you can remain here until you are ready to be unwrapped. The ceremony usually lasts about 2 hours (unless you ask for any of the extras).


What it does

This ceremony honours you in your journey from pregnancy and childbirth and welcomes you as a new born mother (or at other times of your life - see more below). It offers a space for you to be witnessed, to integrate and gain a sense of closure of the pregnancy journey and birth experience. It supports a deep sense of holding, a space to receive and be ‘mothered’. This ceremony offers a space where feelings are welcome, can be expressed in a safe space.

During pregnancy and birth, the bones (including the pelvis and ribs) open and the connective tissues bones relax and stretch. Abdominal organs move to accommodate the growing baby. Physically the ceremony supports the body to close back down again. As well as physically closing, the ceremony also supports closure on an emotional, mental and spiritual level after pregnancy and birth, which are very ‘opening’ and can leave a sense of vulnerability. The ceremony aims to support you to come back into yourself, to re-centre and find your own boundaries again.


The rocking regulates the nervous system by releasing stress and switching on your parasympathetic nervous system. It helps release and relaxe your muscles and joints, including the lower vertebrae and sacrum and generally supports joint mobility. It stimulates the circulation, lymphatic and cerebrospinal fluid drainage.


The abdominal massage includes the area from your pubic bone to the top of your ribs. This moves stagnant energy, stimulates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and milk production. It supports the abdominal muscles to come back together, helps close your pelvis, removes tension from your womb and bladder and moves them into their optimal position (they often drop too low after childbirth). It breaks up crystals on your hips which are considered to hold emotion, adrenalin and trauma.


The wrapping of the hips help to hold the bladder and womb in place. Being rocked, wrapped (or swaddled) and hearing the drumming all contribute to a womb-like experience. As a mother we give so much, this is a time to go inwards, to be held and to receive. Like being in a chrysalis, we can find the space to integrate our experiences and emerge transformed.

When and how often?

Traditionally this ceremony is given 3-6 times during the postpartum period (first 40 days). Whilst ideally receiving several sessions offers cumulative benefits, it can also be received as a one off treatment. Receiving the closing the bones ceremony within the first 6 weeks is recommended as then the body is still very ‘plastic’ and this supports the return of the organs and bones to their optimal place. However, this ceremony can be offered to mothers many years after they have given birth. If you have a new born baby, they can be cared for nearby and brought in for feeds or comfort, as needed.


Other extras: The closing the bones ceremony can also (if you choose) include any of the following:

  • Birth debriefing or guided inner journey from conception, birth, the postpartum phase and up till where you are now.

  • Ritual bathing: I set up a beautiful space for you in the bathroom with flowers, music and aromatherapy. I can also sing, drum and read poetry to you.

  • Rose tea meditation.

  • Vaginal steaming

  • Additional massage (e.g. head or feet).

  • Close friends or relatives can also be invited to witness you and participate through joining in with massage, wrapping, singing to you, saying words of blessing for you.

  • Live music/singing: I also work with female singers/musicians who can play and sing live music during the ceremony.

  • I can also offer you a session before the actual ceremony to do any of the above and generally space to help you prepare, find clarity of what your letting go or or calling in at this time and support you to connect with your intention for the ceremony.


If you are interested in any of the extras, let me know and we can create an individual ceremony to suit your needs and preferences.


Trauma informed approach: I hold a trauma informed space and this means everything I offer is an invitation. At any time I encourage you to let me know if something doesn’t feel ok, you would like a different pace of rocking, whether the massage could be deeper or lighter, the wrapping looser or tighter. We can pause at any time if emotion arises that needs to be heard. I support you to connect with something that can be a resource before we start and we can return to this if strong feelings/sensations arise in order to come back into regulation. The nature of the ceremony is to be very regulating, in of itself, so this is rarely necessary.

Who is it for?

Whilst this ceremony is designed for the postpartum period, it can be a supportive way to honour, witness and integrate times or change or transition, including:


  • Menarche

  • To mark the end of the breastfeeding journey

  • Miscarriage,

  • Abortion

  • Stillbirth

  • Baby loss

  • Hysterectomy

  • Marriage

  • Perimenopause or menopause

  • Trauma

  • Divorce/separation

  • Bereavement




For those not postpartum, this ceremony can be adapted to suit your individual needs


The closing the bones ceremony usually takes 2 hours to complete, though I can adapt it to make it a little shorter if that feels too long. I will need to do an intake form with you over the phone first - usually takes 15-20 minutes.

I charge a sliding scale of £80-45 per hour and so for 2 hours it would be £160-90.

If longer than 2 hours (with any of the added extras) you pay the hourly rate for the length of time we need to complete the ceremony. I can give you an estimate beforehand. I try and keep the cost as low as I can, if you can pay the higher amount or more than this supports those unable to afford this amount and makes it available more widely. Let me know if you can’t afford the lowest amount and I will see if I have enough in the ‘pot’ to subsidise the cost.


More than one is recommended postpartum and so I can offer you a discounted amount if your booking more than one).

I can offer a shorter postpartum version: 1 hr for £70-60 sliding scale (to include the abdominal massage and rocking & wrapping of your hips) as well postpartum massage of other areas. Then you could have the full ceremony later if preferred.

I can travel for up to 15 minutes from Totnes. If longer, I will ask you for a little extra to cover fuel and travel time.



Asking for a closing the bones as a gift, can be a beautiful way of receiving the support you need. Or offering it to those you love.

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